Machine washing pillow
Machine Washing Digital Print Blanket Cushion Blanket
Machine Washing Dial Print Blanket Body Pillow polyester fabric can effectively prevent moisture, because many bacteria cannot survive on polyester fabric. Cleaning is also very convenient. Machine Washing Dial Print Blanket Body Pillow polyester fiber itself determines that it does not have expandability, that is to say, it will not deform or shrink, and it can maintain the flatness of the fabric for a long time.
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Machine Washing Textile Printing Polyester Poillw
One pillow for two purposes, free to switch The B - curve fits the natural curvature of the cervical spine 12CM is suitable for people who prefer to sleep on their back. 10CM is suitable for people who prefer to sleep on their side Massage granules to release cervical pressure Simulate finger press to release cervical pressure
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